Here at St. Mary's we provide the highest possible quality of education, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values however we pride ourselves in the fact that we are mixed faith with a rising number of multi faiths through our school
This term's music unit linked with our learning about the Amazon Rainforest.
We began by using body percussion (rubbing hands, clicking fingers, patting legs and jumping) to create the sounds of a rainstorm. Then we created rhythms using boom (single pat on the chest), baboom (double pat on the chest), snap (click the fingers), clap and stomp (stamping feet).
Next, we thought about the sounds that we might hear in the different layers of the rainforest and how we could represent these. We discussed whether they would be fast or slow, high or low, loud or quiet. In groups, the children created body percussion rhythms for the forest floor and understorey layer. Then, we used glockenspiels to create melodies for the canopy and emergent layers of the forest.
Finally, we put the four parts together to create our rainforest music and used symbols to be able to record our compositions.