Here at St. Mary's we provide the highest possible quality of education, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values however we pride ourselves in the fact that we are mixed faith with a rising number of multi faiths through our school
Step 1
We looked at different grades of pencil (H, HB, B, 1-8B) and tried shading from a light tone to a dark tone. We learnt that we need to hold the pencil in a different grip to writing and we need to shade in the same direction without leaving any gaps.
We found put that the hardest pencils (H) make the lightest tones and the softer pencils (8B) give the darker tones.
We used the pencils to draw and shade a shape made with ribbon, using different tones to show light and shadow.
Step 2
We learnt about Henri Matisse’s technique of ‘Drawing with Scissors’ to create collaged images.
We then used collage to create our own designs.
Step 3
We used wax crayons and black paint to create a background.
Then, using our collage pictures, we used a stylus to scratch our designs into the paint.
This technique is called ‘Wax Resist’.
Step 4
We learnt about hatching and cross-hatching as ways to show light and dark.
Finally, we pulled all of our learning together to create prints using our collage designs as inspiration.
We used 2 techniques — block printing using a polystyrene tile and mono-printing which involved removing paint from a flat surface and then taking a print.