
St Mary's Church of England Academy

Here at St. Mary's we provide the highest possible quality of education, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values however we pride ourselves in the fact that we are mixed faith with a rising number of multi faiths through our school

Early Years

Welcome to Early Years


Welcome to Early Years at St Mary's Church of England Academy. Our Early Years has two seperate classes - Star Class and Rainbow Class. 


In Early Years we strive for the best for all of our children . Valuing each child's individual strengths, talents and diversity and seek to encourage their full potential. We embrace our children as individuals.


Early Years children can expect a very busy day at school! Learning in Early Years takes the form of a whole class input, including Phonics, Maths, Topic, Literacy and learning in our environment, which is both indoors and outdoors continuous provision. Our curriculum is throughout and structured in a way, much like our learning environment, to ensure children make progression, regardless of starting points. Our topic delivery is derived from a mix of children's interests and expected knowledge; we build upon children's current knowledge and prior learning. Each week, we also offer curriculum enrichment via PE sessions which are delivered by our Sports Coach; Beliefs and Values using the Emmanual Project; PSHE following the Jigsaw programme; Forest Schools on Friday in the Summer Term.


Our learning at St Mary's is fun and interactive! We aim to ignite curiosity and wonder through through providing hooks into learning and real/rich experiences which enhance children's learning and engagement. We use Tapestry to share these learning experiences with families.

Here are some fun websites for you to explore to support your child's learning and development at home.

Early Years 2024-25

We look forward to another exciting year ahead with a brand new cohort of children who will soon become part of the St Mary's family. Please find below the overview for our learning in Early Years for the year ahead. We have some exciting learning planned ahead. 

Each term we will upload our half termly overview based on a particular topic. We will be sure to add photos and videos of our amazing learning along the way!
