Here at St. Mary's we provide the highest possible quality of education, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values however we pride ourselves in the fact that we are mixed faith with a rising number of multi faiths through our school
St Mary’s Church of England Academy is committed to providing the highest quality of education for all children. The school ethos is inclusive and nurturing in order to allow children to explore their potential and to discover their strengths. The SEN policy has close links to all other school policies, in particular the disability and behaviour policies. It is the result of whole school discussions and workshops that reflects the beliefs and practices of all those who work at the school.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy (SEND) and Accessibility Plan, can be found in the policies section of the website.
We are very proud to announce that St Mary's has achieved Communication Friendly Status and has been accredited through the ELKLAN organisation and OCN London. The staff, both classroom staff and support staff have worked very hard over the past two years to achieve this accolade, putting in hours of training outside of school hours. This award demonstrates the Academy's ongoing commitment to providing the highest quality support for all students with speech and language difficulties.
Assessments for ASD and ADHD - New referral form for use by parents and carers
West Suffolk have issued a new form for parents and carers to complete when requesting an assessment for ASD or ADHD for their child.
The form requires observational information about your child at home.
The parent/carer form is part one of the referral process with the second part being filled in by health and education professionals.
The new form is available in a word format by contacting
As part of our commitment to care for and develop the whole child we celebrate World Mental Health day. We encourage our students to talk about their emotions and to reflect on their own wellbeing levels.
Integrated Community Paediatric Services (ICPS) NHS Occupational Therapy Service referrals for children with motor skills difficulties
This is part of a new support package for parents. Please look at the resources to support you in helping your child with developing their motor skills. You will find some very helpful advice including developing the correct use of cutlery.
Prior to accepting a referral to the ICPS Occupational Therapy Service for children with motor skills difficulties, schools and parents are directed to our resource pack which provides school staff and parents with ideas and strategies to support their children to practise and develop skills.
If you haven't yet heard, there's a new Parent Carer Forum in Suffolk! To find out more or join SPCF, visit or follow them on social media at the following links: Facebook or Twitter.
Sensory Training
The Sensory Integration Network is offering free sensory training for parents and carers.
If you are interested in this free hour long training session, please click on the link below