
St Mary's Church of England Academy

Here at St. Mary's we provide the highest possible quality of education, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values however we pride ourselves in the fact that we are mixed faith with a rising number of multi faiths through our school


The PTA offer a school lottery. 


Please click HERE to buy tickets and find out more information. 

Dear Parents/Guardians/Carers,
Welcome to St Mary’s Church of England Academy. My name is Kelly Russell-Price and I chair St Mary’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Nicola Rash is Treasurer and Sharon
Williams is the Secretary for the PTA. I wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about the PTA and what we do.

What is the PTA and what does it do?
The PTA supports the Academy by raising money to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for all pupils.
We form close ties with the Academy community, helping to connect Academy and home life, so that parents, guardians and carers become more positively engaged in their children's education. PTAs are run by a committee of volunteers –parents of children at the Academy, and teachers too.
Why does the PTA matter?
It absolutely does matter and here’s some reasons why:
1. Benefit of your children – you can make a direct impact by helping to improve your child’s Academy, but also by being a role model to them and it encourages them to do their best.
2. Build trusting relationships –parents, guardians and carers are able to get together, meet parents, guardians and carers of children in different year groups and work alongside each other while raising money for the Academy and supporting its aims. Get to know teachers while gaining insight into the Academy. Parents, guardians, carers and teachers work together towards the same goal and are instrumental in making a real difference in the school life for all children.
3. Raise vital money – Funding for any school/academy is always tight. Fundraising can impact massively on opportunities and experiences for all the children at the Academy.
4. Have your say – have a say in where you think the PTA’s monies should be spent.
5. Forge connections beyond Academy gates – build relationships with local community, from events to sponsorships from local businesses, and mentions in local press.
6. It’s good for you! – Every parent, guardian and carer has plenty to offer a PTA. Whether it’s being on the committee, helping at events or organising meetings, your talents will be put to good use. It can help to build your confidence, meet new people and learn new skills.
Who can join the PTA?
Any parent, guardian and carer of current pupils, plus Academy staff can join and/or take part in the PTA. We post details of our PTA meetings in the Academy communications and on the closed “Unofficial St Mary’s Chat Group” and “St Mary’s PTA Committee Members Group” Facebook pages. Simply attend a meeting to become a member of the PTA and get involved. You can also help by simply offering to help at our events. Any contribution and help are
always gratefully appreciated!
What has the PTA done recently?
This academic year we organised a Pub Quiz Night at The Riverside Hotel, a Gin Night at the Mildenhall Cricket Club, a sponsored walk, a Christmas Fayre at the Academy, discos for the pupils at Halloween, Easter and this summer, an after-school bake sale and many after-school ice pop sales. We’ve also arranged discount price tickets to theme parks and experiences including, BeWilderwood and Jimmy’s Farm. This coming academic year we already have a
family bingo night planned on Friday, 17 th November 2023 at The Social Club, Mildenhall. Details will be sent out in September.
How can I contact the PTA?
Contact the PTA by using the above email address or attend our upcoming AGM in September (details will be sent by the Academy and will be available on the closed Facebook Group pages).
I really hope that you will join us in supporting our Academy. In the meantime, please find enclosed a little welcome gift for you and your child(ren). If you’d like to buy some more name labels, please ensure you use the referral code on your order as this will help us to raise money for the PTA.

Kind regards,
