
St Mary's Church of England Academy

Here at St. Mary's we provide the highest possible quality of education, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values however we pride ourselves in the fact that we are mixed faith with a rising number of multi faiths through our school

Academy Trust Members

Oliver Pryke - Chair of Members





Julian Campbell - Chair of Governors





The Venerable John Cox


"I was ordained over 50 years ago and during my ministry have served in parishes near Liverpool, in Birmingham and London; at Church House, Westminster; Southwark Cathedral and finally as Archdeacon of Sudbury. On retirement I was asked to be Diocesan Director of Education responsible for about 90 Church schools throughout Suffolk. I did that for four and half years. Over the years I have been a governor in more than a dozen schools. I am married to Diane, have two children and four grandchildren".





Derek Kuziw





Corporate Body - SEIAUT




 Corporate Body – University of Cambridge
