
St Mary's Church of England Academy

Here at St. Mary's we provide the highest possible quality of education, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values however we pride ourselves in the fact that we are mixed faith with a rising number of multi faiths through our school

Curriculum Statement

Our curriculum


At St Mary’s Academy, we have designed our curriculum with the intent that all of our pupils encounter, engage with and study content which is considered integral to a well-rounded and holistic education.

We have designed our curriculum with the whole child in mind. It aims to:

  • Encourage children to be curious about the world around them and have an outward looking approach
  • Foster a passion and love for learning
  • Develop resilient learners
  • Provide opportunities for all to succeed
  • Meet the needs and interests of our pupils
  • Promote STEM subjects 
  • Ignite a love for reading, writing and maths
  • Grow imaginative and creative children who value the arts
  • Inspire pupils to contribute to our school, community and the wider world
  • Nurture kind, helpful and emotionally literate children who understand their integral value
  • Cultivate an understanding of right and wrong, so that pupils understand their responsibilities within society.



We have carefully selected a range of high quality resources to ensure that our curriculum intent is realised. To this end, we use White Rose as the basis of our mathematics curriculum; the Kapow Primary Curriculum,  Jigsaw, and Language Angels for our foundation subjects; The Emmanuel Project for Beliefs and Values and a Talk 4 Writing approach to enthuse and develop our young writers.

Our broad and balanced curriculum offers:

  • Full National Curriculum coverage
  • A knowledge rich curriculum
  • Carefully sequenced and cohesive units of work, within each year group and across each key stage
  • Clear progression of skills and knowledge across KS1 and KS2
  • Subjects that have a clear rationale
  • An increased focus on STEM subjects to open up a world of opportunities
  • Engaging, inspiring and enjoyable lessons which are varied and inclusive
  • Vocabulary development
  • Assessment for learning and retrieval opportunities
  • An understanding of different faiths as well as exploring children’s own faith and/or spirituality
  • Exploration of the diverse, multicultural, multi-faith world in which live




Spiritual Mission

Our mission is to build a community of joy and love, providing an excellent education in which every child develops their full potential safely in the context of Christian belief and practice.

At St Mary's we are committed to:


  • Developing JOY in the lives of our pupils, by nurturing well-rounded, happy children, set in an environment where the whole child matters and a playful delight in learning is encouraged.  
  • Being recognised as a place of LOVE, with caring nurturing relationships, respecting others and allowing each individual to develop emotionally, socially and spiritually.
  • Providing a broad and diverse child-centred curriculum that encourages a reflective WISDOM and curiosity, as well as the courage to face new challenges, including an awareness of our natural world and the impact we have on it.  
  • Encouraging children to think ‘BIG’ and progress to the next chapter of their lives with the skills, knowledge and experiences to achieve, whilst having a concern for those who are vulnerable in our community, society and globally.
  • Realising our responsibility as stewards of creation, living with HOPE and integrity and working together with families as partners to raise standards of achievement and wellbeing.


Our spiritual capacities grant us self knowledge, curious reflection, a sense of something / someone beyond us, creativity and a sense of wonder.  Our Christian grounding helps us to respond to moral challenges.  Our Christian wisdom informs our way of behaving in the world.  Our Christian community is shaped by tradition, worship and story. 
