
St Mary's Church of England Academy

Here at St. Mary's we provide the highest possible quality of education, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values however we pride ourselves in the fact that we are mixed faith with a rising number of multi faiths through our school

Governing Body Committees

Estates, Health and Safety:

Chair - Julian Campbell
Darren Heneghan (Committee Member)

Andrew Griggs (Staff)

Joanne Human (Governor)

Jay Blackford (Governor)

Community, Ethos and Mission:

Chair - John Cox (Governor)

Roxanne Rutter (Principal)

Lauren Nightingale-Roffe (Governor)

Joyce Crawford (Governor)

Joanne Wilcox (Governor)

Lesley Osborne (Staff)

Vicki Morten (Committee Member)


Standards and Curriculum:

Chair - Dr Jeanette Hobbs (Governor)

Lauren Nightingale Roffe (Governor)
Julian Campbell (Governor)

John Cox (Governor)
Roxanne Rutter (Principal)

Lynne Proudlock (Committee Member)

Finance, Personnel, Audit and Risk:

Chair - Joyce Crawford (Governor)

Julian Campbell (Governor)

John Cox (Governor)

Luke Hamill (Governor)

Joanne Human (Governor)

Lesley Osborne (CFO)

Andy Griggs (OM) Staff Committee Member

Roxanne Rutter (Principal - reporting only during Audit and Risk section)


Pay Appeals:


Julian Campbell

Two Governors
