
St Mary's Church of England Academy

Here at St. Mary's we provide the highest possible quality of education, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values however we pride ourselves in the fact that we are mixed faith with a rising number of multi faiths through our school


Vision Day

St Mary's Rainbows - 31st March 2020

As a Church of England academy, did you know that the rainbow in our logo reminds us of the promise God made to love and care for us and our world? This has never felt more relevant than right now! St Mary's is proudly displaying our rainbows at the school gates to show the community we are in this together.

New Banner - Thursday 16th April 2020

Not only does the rainbow in our logo remind us about loving and caring for the world, but the star is there to remind us to shine brightly like stars. This quote could not be more appropriate to share some positivity with the community from us at St Mary's. Thank you to the shining stars in our community keeping us all going!

Weeding and Clearing - Friday 17th April 2020

The children who have been in school have been busy with Mrs Galloway and Mrs Hamilton, weeding and clearing our allotment beds getting ready for some planting. The strawberry bed is looking rather full, as are our compost bins! The blossom is looking beautiful too!

Nearly There! - 21st April 2020

More progress has been made this week!

8th May 2020 - VE Day 75
