Here at St. Mary's we provide the highest possible quality of education, underpinned by our Christian ethos and values however we pride ourselves in the fact that we are mixed faith with a rising number of multi faiths through our school
Welcome to year 3 and the start of our Key Stage 2 adventures!
Mrs Willsher teaches 3KW with the support of Mrs Cash and Mrs Elbrow teaches 3SE with Mrs Wood.
This year, we will start the Autumn Term learning about The Stone Age and how life changed between the early Neolithic period and The Iron Age and investigating facts based on ancient artefacts! After half term, we will move onto our topic of Volcanoes. This is always a fun and engaging learning journey and will take us around the world, learning about tectonic plates and moving on to earthquakes. The Autumn term will see children starting to learn French - beginning with greetings and even learning the words for animals!
Our school trip will be a fun-packed visit to Exploring Science in Norwich, where we will get to experience lots of hands-on investigation activities, as well as having a go at a range of VR tasks.
As the stepping stone from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2, Year 3 will begin to provide opportunities for children to develop their independence and take more responsibility for their own learning. Children will have weekly spellings to practice, in addition to written homework, reading, times tables practice and a range of online activities for Maths and Writing.